Stefano Zunarelli

Bologna (Italy), 23.11.1955.

Member of Bologna Bar Association Law since 1981

Education:  University of Bologna, JD (1978) .

Academic activity: Full Professor of Maritime and Transportation Law since 1991 (since 1995, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna).

Practice areas: Founding Partner of Zunarelli & Associati Law Firm.

Maritime and Transportation Law (public and private aspects), Contracts, Insurance Law; International Business Law.

Publications: Author of a number of books and articles on transportation law matters.


Stefano Zunarelli is the founding member  of the Zunarelli & Associati Group in 1986. After a period of research activity within the University of Bologna, he was appointed full professor of Maritime and Aviation Law and International Trade Law  in the Faculty of Law of the University of Camerino in 1991. In 1995 he was back in the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna, where he also taught International Private Law, and where he was appointed Dean of the Faculty for the period 1998-2004. Since then he has the responsibility of the Master Course in Transportation Law and Economics.

From 1985 to 1996 he represented the Italian Government in the Juridical Committee of International Maritime Organization (IMO)- London- and in Diplomatic Conferences where International Conventions have been adopted about ship’s nationality (1986), sea rescue (1989), liability in maritime transport of passengers (1990), liability in maritime transport of dangerous and noxious substances (1996),limitation of liability of maritime credits (1996). He is member to the Ministry of Justice of the commission concerning the amendment of the Maritime Code. He is member of the working group, instituted by the European Commission for processing of community set of rules concerning liability in multimodal transport of goods. He is, furthermore, member of the working group instituted by UNCITRAL for the preparation of a new international convention on maritime transport of goods. He is member of the Commission instituted by the Ministry of Transport for the drawing up of the National Program for the Development of Logistics.

Since 1981 he operates as a lawyer in the areas of Maritime and Transportation Law (public and private aspects), Contracts, Insurance Law; International Business Law. He is the advisor of the Italian Government (Ministry of Transports), of some Italian regional and local governments for matters relating the transport  activities and liberalizations/privatizations. He is also the advisor of some of the major Italian insurance companies.

He is the author of a number of publications in the field of Maritime, Aviation Transport and Insurance Law. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of International Maritime Law.